Warning: technical material ahead...
Driven by the agreement set by the
signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity to “significantly reduce
the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010 (Jones et a 2011),” conservation prioritization became a
hot topic. In light of recent indications that the rate of biodiversity loss
has not declined and pressure on areas of high diversity has increased
(Butchart et al. 2010), this continues to be a pressing issue. Here I review a piece from 2006 by Brooks et al. entitled "Global Biodiversity Conservation Priorities" which tries to sort out the most effective way of prioritizing conservation ahead of the 2010 assessment, and apply the lessons to what we see in Madagascar today.
Brooks et al (2006) looked at
prioritization schemes set by major conservation NGOs and classified them based
on axes of irreplaceability and vulnerability. Irreplaceability is usually
indicated by levels of endemism, but can include taxonomic uniqueness and rarity of habitat types but these are
hard to quantify. Richness is not of primary concern because “species richness
is driven by common, widespread species; thus, strategies focused on species
richness tend to miss exactly those features most in need of conservation
(Brooks et al 2010).” Vulnerability is not clearly defined here but is a
temporal indicator of threat. The most commonly used indicators are
proportional habitat loss and protected area coverage. The authors bemoan the
lack of consideration of demographic change, pressure from hunting, governance
and institutional weaknesses and (which I found hugely surprising that it wasn't present) cost.
There is also a spatial component to these schemes and they all use overlapping “ecoregions” to define funding rather than a grid-based system. This has substantial effects on prioritization and the
authors suggest normalizing these ecoregions because they are biased towards larger
ones. Grid-based methods, however, like that used by Kremen et al (2008)
to prioritize nationally in Madagascar, should supersede this concern.
By mapping the 9 most common prioritization
schemes the authors were able to find high overlap within two groups of
strategies, proactive and reactive, but not across them. Both proactive and
reactive strategies prioritize high irreplaceability but reactive strategies
also prioritize those with high vulnerability because these are the sites where
action is most urgently needed while the proactive strategies prioritize low vulnerability
because this is where conservation is most easily done(less politically charged
and often cheaper).
The authors judge the success of the prioritization based on how much of the flexible funding available for conservation it was able to capture – the wrong measure. Shouldn’t we judge success on conservation outcomes? If we are going to focus on finances we should be looking at cost-effectiveness, which isn't included at all here, rather than funds captured. This data is becoming more readily available and will be a factor of future prioritizations so as that data is incorporated, this is likely to change. There are also political reasons why this is the wrong measure – CI appears to be moving away from the Hot Spot approach (or so says Kareiva, the head of The Nature Conservancy), lauded here for garnering the largest share of the pie, and turning to a people-centered ecosystem service approach to prioritizing funding. If the "success" of these priorities are so transient they are not useful in making future prioritizations.
Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ)
illuminates some of the complexity of prioritization. Madagascar itself was
identified under the Hot Spot approach by Conservation International, a
reactive scheme, but the particular site, an approximately 400,000ha area of
contiguous forest, was selected based on irreplaceability and low vulnerability (ie it was an easy
area to protect because of low human populations in the forest interior). Now,
an ecosystem-service narrative, rather than a biodiversity one drives continued
funding and discourse around CAZ. This shows the differences of scale and
discourse in prioritization, which aren’t captured by an assessment of global
While there may be overlap between
biodiversity priorities and ecosystem service priorities in terms of carbon and
water quality, they by no means must overlap and we need to be clear about what it is that we are prioritizing. As
of now, while we are shifting toward a commodity view of how to protect areas,
there is far too often a lack of clarity. In fact, we still don’t have a strong
understanding of the relationship between biodiversity and specific ecosystem
services. This muddiness and ambiguity is yearning for clarity.
Brooks, T. M., Mittermeier, R. A., da Fonseca, G. A. B., Gerlach, J., Hoffmann, M., Lamoreux, J. F., Mittermeier, C. G., et al. (2006). Global Biodiversity Conservation Priorities. Science, 313(7 July 2006), 58-61.
Butchart, S. H. M., Walpole, M., Collen, B., van Strien, A., Scharlemann, J. P. W., Almond, R. E. a, Baillie, J. E. M., et al. (2010). Global biodiversity: indicators of recent declines. Science (New York, N.Y.), 328(5982), 1164-8. doi:10.1126/science.1187512
Jones, J. P. G., Collen, B., Atkinson, G., Baxter, P. W. J., Bubb, P., Illian, J. B., Katzner, T. E., et al. (2011). The why, what, and how of global biodiversity indicators beyond the 2010 target. Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, 25(3), 450-7. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01605.x
Kremen, C., Cameron, A., Moilanen, A., Phillips, S. J., Thomas, C. D., Beentje, H., Dransfield, J., et al. (2008). Aligning Conservation Priorities Across Taxa in Madagascar with High-Resolution Planning Tools. Science, 320(222), 222-226. doi:10.1126/science.1155193
Do you think one of the reasons metrics for success are poorly developed is that funders do not want to pay for long term monitoring? Consequently there is not $ in developing metrics of success? Seems that is generally the case with stream restoration in the States.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your thoughtful comment. Underfunding of monitoring efforts has been widely acknowledged in conservation as well, but that is leading to changes. An issue though, is that those efforts tend to be on a project or landscape scale, and it is not clear how to scale those to global priorities. More germaine to this article though, is the awareness that various global prioritization schemes have various priorities. It isn't going to be a metric that tells an organization whether to go after the most immediately threatened or most readily protected landscape - that is going to depend on the culture of the organization, the funding landscape, and the political realities of the proposed projects at hand. Once you decide which you want, the metrics are there (though they can always be improved) to be able to choose. What do you think?